Postpartum Hair Loss Treatment: How to Stop Hair Thinning After Pregnancy

Medically reviewedby Dr. Amy Revene M.B.B.S.
WrittenbyLiza Schermann
Last updated

Postpartum hair loss is a common yet frustrating experience for new moms. 

While pregnancy might have given you lush, thick locks, the months after childbirth can bring noticeable shedding. 

If you’re dealing with thinning hair after your baby’s arrival, you're not alone. 

Thankfully, there are simple postpartum hair loss treatments that can help you manage the shedding and promote healthy hair growth

Let’s explore how to regain your hair’s fullness without adding stress to your already busy life.

What is postpartum hair loss?

postpartum hair loss treatment

Postpartum hair loss is the excessive shedding of hair that usually occurs a few months after giving birth. It’s caused by hormonal changes that happen during pregnancy and after childbirth. This hair loss is temporary and typically resolves within six months to a year.

During pregnancy, high levels of estrogen keep your hair in the growth phase longer, making it appear thicker. After giving birth, those hormone levels drop, causing more hairs than usual to enter the shedding phase. 

While this might seem alarming, it's completely normal and part of the body’s natural cycle. Your hair will likely return to its pre-pregnancy state as your hormone levels balance out.

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What causes postpartum hair loss?

The main cause of postpartum hair loss is the dramatic hormonal shift that occurs after giving birth. During pregnancy, elevated estrogen levels keep your hair growing and prevent normal shedding. Once those hormone levels drop postpartum, the hair that was in a resting phase begins to fall out.

  • Hormonal changes (drop in estrogen)
  • Normal hair growth cycle resuming
  • Stress and exhaustion from childbirth and caring for a newborn
  • Nutritional deficiencies during or after pregnancy

How long does postpartum hair loss last?

postpartum hair loss treatment

Postpartum hair loss is temporary and usually lasts less than six months. Most new moms notice the shedding around three months postpartum, with hair regrowth happening gradually after that. By the time your baby reaches their first birthday, your hair should have returned to its pre-pregnancy thickness.

The shedding may seem intense, but it’s important to remember that it’s just your hair returning to its normal cycle. For some, the shedding tapers off more quickly, while others may notice it lasting a bit longer. 

If it continues past six months or seems extreme, it’s worth talking to a healthcare provider to rule out other causes like nutritional deficiencies or thyroid issues.

How common is postpartum hair loss?

Postpartum hair loss is incredibly common among new moms. Almost everyone experiences some level of hair shedding after childbirth, making it a normal part of the postpartum experience. In fact, around 50% of women will notice more hair falling out during this time.

It’s comforting to know that you’re not alone in this. While the amount of hair loss varies from person to person, postpartum shedding is a temporary phase that your hair will recover from in due time.

What are the signs of postpartum hair loss?

The most obvious sign of postpartum hair loss is seeing more hair than usual on your brush, pillow, or in the shower. It might feel alarming, but it’s part of the process.

  • Hair shedding more than usual
  • Hair falling out in clumps while brushing or showering
  • Noticeable thinning around the hairline
  • Loose hair collecting on clothes or furniture

Tips for dealing with postpartum hair loss

Postpartum hair loss can be frustrating, but there are a few simple things you can do to manage it while your body recovers.

  • Get the right nutrients by eating a balanced diet and continuing to take your prenatal vitamins.
  • Be gentle with your hair—shampoo only when necessary and use a good conditioner.
  • Use scrunchies or barrettes instead of elastic bands to avoid pulling your hair too tightly.
  • Skip heat-styling tools like blow-dryers and curling irons.
  • Avoid chemical treatments like highlights or perms until the shedding stops.
  • Talk to your healthcare provider if your hair loss feels excessive or is accompanied by other symptoms.

How do you prevent postpartum hair loss?

While you can’t fully prevent postpartum hair loss, it helps to know it’s a natural part of the postpartum experience. Hormonal shifts are the main culprit, but using the right hair products and keeping your haircare routine gentle can make the process easier to manage. With a little patience, your hair should return to its pre-pregnancy state by your baby’s first birthday.

While waiting for your hair to grow back, consider trying volumizing shampoos, lightweight conditioners, and gentle hairstyles that won’t put extra stress on your hair. 

Opting for these small changes can help your hair look fuller and healthier while you navigate through this temporary phase of shedding.

Will my hair grow back after postpartum hair loss?

Yes, your hair will grow back after postpartum hair loss. This shedding is temporary, and your hair should regain its fullness within six to twelve months after childbirth.

A better approach for your overall hair health

Hair growth serum

Dealing with hair thinning can feel overwhelming, especially when you're juggling life as a new mom. While postpartum hair loss is temporary, using a product that supports healthy hair growth can make a big difference. 

Bio-Pilixin® Serum is designed with plant growth factors that have been scientifically developed to help nourish your scalp and encourage hair growth. It's a great way to give your hair the extra care it needs during this time.

What sets Bio-Pilixin® apart is its focus on stimulating blood flow to your scalp, helping deliver nutrients where they're needed most. 

Plus, it’s safe for daily use, free from harsh chemicals, and has a 93% satisfaction rate in clinical trials. Whether you're experiencing postpartum shedding or general thinning, Bio-Pilixin® can support your hair’s health from the roots up.

The serum has shown impressive results in clinical studies, with 77% of users reporting reduced hair loss after just 45 days. 

Over 150 days, participants experienced not only less hair in the shower but a measurable increase in hair density as well. It's no wonder why so many users are thrilled with the outcome.

If you're looking for a natural and drug-free way to manage postpartum hair loss, Bio-Pilixin® could be the right option for you. With its proven formula and high satisfaction rate, it’s a product worth considering.

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Bio-Pilixin® Activation Serum | For Women
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Postpartum hair loss is a normal, temporary experience that many new moms face. While the shedding can be distressing, it usually resolves within six to twelve months. 

In the meantime, using gentle hair care practices and considering products like Bio-Pilixin® Serum can help keep your hair looking fuller and healthier.

Ready to support your hair’s health? Try Bio-Pilixin® Serum and start seeing results in as little as 45 days!


Does cutting hair help with postpartum hair loss?

Cutting your hair won’t stop postpartum hair loss, but a shorter style can make thinning less noticeable. Many new moms choose a shorter haircut for practical reasons and to reduce the appearance of shedding.

Does biotin help postpartum hair loss?

Yes, biotin (vitamin B7) can be helpful in reducing postpartum hair loss. Found in foods like milk, eggs, and bananas, it supports healthy hair growth. Continuing your prenatal vitamins after childbirth is also recommended.

Does breastfeeding reduce postpartum hair loss?

No, breastfeeding doesn’t reduce postpartum hair loss. Hair shedding is a normal part of the postpartum period and typically resolves within 6 to 12 months, regardless of whether you're breastfeeding.

Is folic acid good for postpartum hair loss?

Yes, folic acid can support hair and nail growth after childbirth. It’s a good idea to continue taking your prenatal vitamins, which often contain folic acid, to help with ongoing hair health.

Do all moms lose hair after birth?

No, not all moms experience postpartum hair loss, but it’s very common. About 40-50% of people experience excessive shedding in the months following childbirth.

Can breastfeeding cause hair loss?

No, breastfeeding doesn’t cause hair loss. Postpartum hair shedding is linked to hormone changes, specifically the drop in estrogen, not breastfeeding.

